Duties as Governor and Deputy Governor at the time of administration : WaMod

Governor and Deputy Governor of West Java for the year  2021

The  leadership of the governor  and deputy governor of West Java  is certainly very important in implementing the regulations in  their regions.   During the tenure, the role of the leader   becomes a person who is respected to realize public policy.  Not only that,  it  can also help and guide the leader in improving the quality  of  public welfare.

Through this fact,  it is  important to know that the election  of leaders is carried out every few years.   The process also goes through  the general election  to  the regional leaders in accordance with the procedures established by the special government agencies.  Therefore,  the  election period  of the officers will be conducted in a fair, fair and transparent manner in public interest.

It is true that the  regional leader changes  in every term of office  according to the  results of the elections elected by the people.   As of now, there is already a credible leader  who holds the post of governor for the West Java region.   To get a full understanding of the profile and functions, we will describe the detailed information about the leader.

With this information, at least you can understand what the governor’s current background is like. As you get to know the profile, you will know the leadership style and achievements of the government.  Therefore,  know in advance about the  complete profile of the  West Java Regional Leader in 2021.

 Complete West Java Provincial President  Profile and Data

According to data from the governor and deputy governor of West Java, it  appears that the regional leaders are  from the city of Bandung.   He had earlier won as mayor and  has now won regional elections since 2018.   The  name of the current  West Java leader is called Ridwan Kamil or the well-known Kang Emil.

This West Java regional leader was born on October 4, 1971 in Bandung. The  level of education is also  very  high as he graduated in architecture from Bandung Institute of Technology.  As for the master’s degree, it is  taken in the  United States, the University of Berkeley in California.

Prior to entering politics, Ritwan Kameel’s  main occupation was work as an architect.   As for the side profession,  Kang also  worked  as  an  ITP  lecturer in Emil  , but did not settle down.  Starting  from there, the turmoil began to arise to try to enter politics.

Before  serving  as governor and  deputy governor of West Java, Bandung became mayor in 2013 in Ridwan Kamil.   During his tenure,  he continued  to show great improvements that  were able  to make the city better. In any aspect or aspect,  it turns out that  The City of Bandung can get the best award.

Starting from this, Kang Emir’s name and leadership style began to be noticed by the wider community.   At the  end  of  2018, the  West Java regional leadership began to apply to the  government.  As a result, Ridwan Kameel  was able to be appointed as the permanent and official governor of the  West Java government area.

 The most complete profile and data of the vice president of  West Java province

The discussion  on the governor  and  deputy  governor of West Java  will continue on the profile of the deputy party.  After the  previous discussion  provided detailed information about regional  leadership  , it is now time to discuss the mate.   In a government, of course,  the harmony between the leader and his deputy  should cooperate with each other.

Ou Rujanul Uloom  was born on  May 10, 1969  , in the city of  Tasikmalaya on the basis of his basic profile.   In terms of academic background,  it is known that Rujanul Uloom holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Silwangi.   Interestingly, Rujanul Uloom entered politics earlier than Ridwan Kameel in his government career.

It  is to be noted that since its inception, he has been the UYU president and served as the Regent in the Dasikmalaya area.   Interestingly, Yuyu has won twice at the same time since 2011 and  continues to be  a perdahana. However,  in 2018  he  wanted  to  advance to the government at the provincial level.

Ridhwan was paired with Kamil when he nominated the leader  of West Java, which  turned out to be the winner and officially became his deputy.   Several parties,  including the PPP, Hanura, PKB, and Nasdem, carry this legislation as representatives.  Although Kang Emil is  an  independent candidate,  the  law is  actually  implemented by four parties at the same time.

In the end, now the governor and deputy governor  of West Java are successfully in office until the end of their term.  You can learn more  about how the leadership of the two key figures in  the  West Java region  is like.   Later,  it  will be more clearly known about the results of the Ridwan Kamil administration and the Law of Rujanul Uloom.

Duties as Governor and Deputy Governor at the time of administration

After discussing each profile, now you can continue to understand about the regime. Local leaders  have to fully fulfill  some of the  duties established under the law.  For softness  in operating the wheels of the government, it must  participate in the guidelines for duties as a leader.

Note that every governor and deputy governor of West Java  must have  duties during the  term of office.  When understanding the  duties of each party,  of course, you need to  appropriately pass through the various powers.  An example of the  first  task  to be done is  intensive communication and good coordination in teams.

Moreover, the  Nava Chitta guidelines should be properly applied during his tenure as a regional president.   It is important to help the leader and his deputy to maintain public order in  the life of the state. Creating and  establishing local regulations  if a new case enters from the policy-making stage.

Based on the  key duties of the governor and deputy governor of West Java,  it means that they  must be coordinated at the same time.    Every step should focus on meeting the  public interest  to a great extent in  order to promote the welfare of the people.  The initiative will be undertaken to enhance the efficiency and efficiency  of every aspect of the society.

There is a fundamental prohibition  on not being headed  in the three regulations of the Union Ministry.   These include employee transfers,  cancellation of licenses from previous authorities and  formulation  of contradictory policies.  With rules like these, of course, the wheels  of the government are also softening during office  .

His achievements during ridwan kameel’s tenure

Of course, there should be significant changes and improvements, as we have been serving  as the regional leader  since  2018.   All  kinds of benefits are realized in order to help every element of society run  its functions smoothly.   If there is improvement in one aspect, it is possible that other aspects will also be positively affected.

Many achievements during the rule  of the governor and deputy governor of West Java  achieved excellent results. In  economic terms,  it  became  one of the focal points of investment in the Southeast Asian region  .  A number of investors  entered to fund  various specialty sectors in  West Java.

According to data carried out by the PKPM, the West Java region ranks the highest in Indonesia.  As part of an investment target, West Java was able to secure investor funds worth 120.4 trillion rupees.   If we were aware that there are such a large number of people,  it  should have been immediately welcomed as  a  valuable achievement during the government’ tenure.

Due to this investment  increase, it  is certain that the economic sector, including MSMEs,  will increase  in interest rates.   The agriculture  sector is also able to get maximum yield according to the harvest, which will be improved  in quality. As long as  there is this kind of improvement, it is certain that people’s living standards are moving towards the point of well-being  .

In fact, there are still many awards and achievements  that Ridwan Kamil has achieved from any aspect.  It is now even considered that Ridwan Kamil is   a role model  for modern-day  regional leaders.   In that respect,  the  achievements made  during  the tenure of the Governor and Deputy Governor of  West Java  should  be appreciated.

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