Standard Express Is It Really Quality Service? Here’s the Explanation
Standard Express Is It Really Quality Service? Here’s the Explanation

Standard Express Is It Really Quality Service? Here’s the Explanation: Jerawat


If asked by Standard Express, is the service really quality?  The answer is of course correct. The name of the express standard itself is not so big in Indonesia. But even though it is not big, developments continue to occur in many fields. That continuous development makes its quality unquestionable.

All kinds of shipments are served by standard express. Moreover, the delivery is not only for goods inside the island. Shipping is also provided for goods outside the island. It can be done because the scope of the expedition is already very wide. But because the popularity is not too big, some people often hesitate.

It is natural considering the names of competitors as if they are very solid so that trust is more often given to these competitors. However, please note that this expedition has many advantages. These advantages greatly answer the question of standard express is really a quality service.

Advantages of Standard Express

There are many advantages that standard express has. The first advantage lies in the process of ensuring that the delivery of goods is appropriate and there are no errors. When viewed at the state inside the standard express itself, the system is already very good. This makes the possibility of the altercation of goods completely absent.

But usually, problems often occur in consumers. Often consumers do transparency with the wrong condition of goods when sending. When questioning standard express is it really a quality service?  This condition can be one of the reasons for the good quality of this expedition.

When making deliveries on this expedition, CS will question repeatedly regarding the goods to be sent. In addition, CS will also notify the delivery address so that there is no error. This method makes the goods sent guaranteed truth and accuracy.

In addition, repeated questions are also not only given to the sender. The recipient will also get questions repeatedly. This is to ensure that the goods received are correct and the shipment is made to the destination. With this, the question of standard express is really a quality service must have been answered.

Another advantage of this expedition also lies in the ability to pack the goods it has. The packing ability of goods from this company is very good. Packing goods is done carefully by experts. This condition ensures the safety of the goods to be sent. In addition, CS will also inform about how to arrange goods.

This is done so that consumers feel calm because they believe the goods will not be damaged. If you have a special note regarding the item, be sure to let it know. This method will make the expedition put the goods into a special category. This technique is quite effective in supporting the safety of goods.

The Existence of the Company Is Clear So That Consumers Will Not Be Deceived

In addition, consumers also do not need to hesitate when sendingthrough standard express, because the company is clear and official. This reinforces the answer to the question of standard express is really a quality service?  Legality is already owned by this expedition. In addition, his experience is also quite long.

This industry has been running for more than 7 years. With the bag, all the problems that consumers may experience have been imagined. The fleet is also very complete. This makes any kind of delivery can be done well. You also know if to get such a fleet inneed of a large amount of money.

With the ownership of the fleet by standard express, this proves that this company is not messing around. For information, this company is a subsidiary of ASPERINDO. This obviously further answers the question of standard express is really a quality service. All shipments made are in accordance with Indonesian postal standards.

Because the establishment time is only about 7 years, it does not mean that the branches are only in big cities. The development of this company is very fast so that the manufacture of branches is also carried out in many places. Almost all parts of Indonesia already have branches of this expedition. The number itself continues to grow.

Even now, the branch began to be found in some remote areas. This certainly makes it easier for consumers to get delivery services even though the location is far from the city. The more here, the number of branches felt to be increasing. The company itself was established on January 29, 2014.

Since that time, the number of branches has reached dozens. Within 3 more years or exactly 10 years from the beginning of its appearance, the number of branches of this company could reach 100. This condition obviously makes greater trust can be given to the company.

The Existence of Insurance and Information Systems

When questioning about standard express is it really a quality service?  One of the best ways to answer this question is in terms of price. Although quite well established, the price offered is very affordable. Here, the rate per KG is in the range of 15,000 rupiah. Of course, the price is very standard.

Although the rate is standard, the rate has been added to insurance. The existence of insurance clearly makes consumer comfort more felt. With it, all kinds of damage will be replaced so that consumer losses can be avoided. Different things will be felt in some other companies.

Perhaps, the rates offered are indeed lower than standard express. However, these rates are not added to the cost of insurance. When added to the cost of insurance, the rates are even more expensive and much higher. This certainly increasingly answers the standard express is really a quality service.

In addition, information systems were also provided by the expedition. This information system is in the form of receipts with tracking functions. Its existence is obviously very helpful so that consumers can find out the latest location of the goods they send. To do tracking, there are two ways provided.

The first is through the website. First, look for websites on the internet that provide tracking services for all expeditions. Enter the receipt number into the provided column. Wait a while and the latest location of the goods will be known. In addition to using the official website, trackingjug a can be done through the marketplace.

Usually, a marketplace already provides tracking services on its application. However, this of course can only be done if the purchase is made through the marketplace. The method itself is more practical than using the internet. This condition is more answerable about standard express is really a quality service.

How to Contact Standard Express Call Center

If there is confusion about the services provided by Standard Express, a call center is also available. The call center itself is at 1500-702. Of course, the call center is open to all Indonesian people. In addition to talking about complaints, questions can also be asked. However, the cost of contacting a call center is not free.

A rate is required when you want to contact him. The tariff will be deducted via credit and cannot use the package. To get the best experience, make sure the credit stock is in the range of 50 thousand rupiah. This number is indeed very much. However, it minimizes the possibility of the phone dying in the middle of the road.

If you are still weighing the expedition to be chosen. Standard express is very worthy of choice. With standard express, various advantages will be obtained. In addition, the call center is also very friendly in the face of various customer complaints. The point is if you ask standard express is really a quality service?  the answer is of course correct.

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